Detroit Racial Dot Map

Screen Shot 2013-08-09 at 7.52.28 AM

This is dot density mapping idea that was first popularized by radical cartographer, Bill Rankin, using 2000 census data in Chicago with then a widely shared series of maps by Erica Fischer building on Rankin’s idea. Brandon Martin-Anderson put together a fascinating US population dot density example from 2010 census data and now we have this map (above) from Dustin Cable utilizing the same data, but showing the racial/ ethnic breakdown of the 2010 census.

Not that much has changed since the 2000 census as far as racial/ ethnic makeup of Detroit. Sure, there are a number of small changes and growing immigrant populations, but by and large Detroit and its Metro region have remained mostly the same. Perhaps, we can see the recent “black flight” (26% population loss in Detroit between 2000 and 2010) in the top left corner of the city?

HT @TReddingfield

3 thoughts on “Detroit Racial Dot Map

  1. Pingback: Map: Where Are the Jobs in Detroit? | DETROITography

  2. Pingback: Map: Geotaggers’ Atlas of Detroit | DETROITography

  3. Pingback: Detroit Racial Dot Map 2020 | DETROITography

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