Detroit Coffee Map 2024

Tracking and mapping coffee shops is becoming an annual activity. The demand to know where to get caffeinated is so high and the turnover has a breakneck pace. Regardless, Detroit now has 100 spots to find coffee!

Since last year there have been 11 closures including 3 Starbucks locations and 3 more Tim Hortons (after 6 others previously closed), 2 locations on a break (Detroit Sip and Encarnacion). Closures included the hyped Haraz Coffee opening in Midtown. Building issues seemed to be what pushed them to move on, but another specialty Yemeni coffee shop is already staffing up. New York based, Moka & Co. is prepping the space and now hiring. The Midtown Starbucks site is being picked up by Qargo Coffee which has a number of locations in Florida, Texas, and California.

There are 18 new coffee shops, including unique offerings like Moon Dog Cafe, startup brick-and-mortar at Mission Cafe (coffee only on Wednesdays), the rebirth of the former Avalon International Breads as a second Kitab location, or blending books and coffee at Eastside Roasterz adjacent to Next Chapter Books. In the chain coffee category Dunkin has recently exploded and added multiple locations. The Detroit Coffee Club is also an exciting new addition where pop-up espresso coffee is offered at non-cafe locations like Dyno Climbing Gym, Beaverland Farms, and Two Birds.

One of the most important questions I’m always asked about these coffee locations is how early and how late are they open. If you are an early bird, there are 27 options open by 6AM and another 25 open by 7AM. By 8AM over 75% of all coffee locations are open and serving hot coffee.

Coffee spots are harder to find if you want your coffee late into the evening. Most locations close either at 3PM or 8PM. By 6PM, 60% of coffee locations are closed and by 8PM over 80% are closed. There are only two coffee spots open until midnight and two open until 2AM.

Future coffee spots that I’m are watching include Detroit Rosa’s second location in the Water Square Hotel, Sepia Coffee Project’s brick-and-mortar in Highland Park, and Haraz Coffee’s Corktown location opening.

Check out these locations collected on

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