Map: Detroit Land Bank Land Review Areas 2023

Many Detroiters have stories of trying to work with the Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA) to acquire land, move an agricultural project forward, or just secure the side lots near their home. Typically I have heard these stories involve a denial with not clear reason given. I stumbled across this map that seems to be semi-regularly updated with “project areas” that may be the cause of many negative interactions with the DLBA.

The DLBA website outlines the definitions for these areas and link to the longer policy document:

Inclusive Housing Opportunity Areas: where home sales have averaged $100/square foot, or more, over the last year. These are areas where housing inclusivity is, or is likely to become, a pronounced challenge.

Jobs and Amenity Development Areas: where publicly owned vacant lots account for a third or more of all parcels. These may create opportunity for the development of large-scale public or private Revitalization projects.

Project Coordination Areas: where City planning, housing, infrastructure, economic development, or recreation agencies have formally requested that the DLBA coordinate sales in connection with planned or ongoing Revitalization projects that use DLBA properties.

Project Hold Areas: where City Revitalization Offices have agreements in place barring or restricting the sale of DLBA property in that geographic area.

Same map below for 2020. In 2023, there have been expansions mostly on the Westside for inclusive housing, job and amenity development, and project holds.

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